
The Organization

The Institute for Peace and Development (IPD) is a non-governmental organization dedicated to creating and sharing knowledge that promotes holistic approaches to development planning and management. Our research, evaluation, monitoring and learning engagements aim to generate grounded knowledge that supports evidence-based planning and management of interventions in building peace, promoting good governance, and making sustainable and inclusive development happen.

What We Do

We work with communities and development actors to generate and disseminate evidence-based useable knowledge and skills, and to promote attitudes and values that mainstream peace as the fulcrum for promoting holistic, inclusive, and sustainable development.

Concern about Our Mission

Be the seminary for people and ideas that transform conflicts, build cultures of peace, promote social cohesion, and create opportunities for authentic human development.
Pax Potest; Mutatio Potest” Peace is Possible; Change is Possible. It takes people to make war; it also takes people to make peace. Development is of people, by people, and for people; it’s all about people, not things. With the right conditions, spaces, and processes, the passions of war turn into desires for peace; and the stumbling blocks to human progress turn into stepping stones of transformative, genuine, sustainable, and inclusive development. We work to facilitate and build flourishing and peaceful communities that cherish and harness diversity, act justly and inclusively, and promote the goodness and dignity of all.
Peace and Development are Possible because Change is Possible.
Work collaboratively; cherish and harness diversity; act justly and inclusively, and promote the goodness and dignity of all.
The hottest flames end up as cold ashes; ashes can fertilize and grow new life. New and peaceful relationships can emerge from the hottest conflicts.